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Then they went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce this to his disciples... Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.


Copy of Journal Layout - SFC ICON 2025 (Draft) Updated 01.20.25.gif
Copy of Journal Layout - SFC ICON 2025 (Draft) Updated 01.20.25 (1).gif


Copy of Journal Layout - SFC ICON 2025 (Draft) Updated 01.20.25 (1).png

Jesus Christ, our Lord, is inviting us to return to Galilee, a place where His first disciples encountered Him, got called by their names, and were asked to follow Him. Galilee is a place of rejoicing, brought about by the hope that stems from His resurrection; of remembering where our journey with Christ, our love story with Him, all began; of rejuvenating, which emanates from a restored and renewed intimate relationship with God and our brethren; and of recommissioning, which empowers us to go into the deep, cast our nets wide, and become His modern-day missionary disciples. 


G! is an invitation to action and a call to turn to God and return to Galilee.


The arcade machine represents the journey of life as a spiritual adventure. Just as in video games, the player (the faithful) progresses through challenges and levels, symbolizing the trials, fears, and joys faced while walking with Christ.


The character on the screen parallels the believer navigating life's journey toward a restored relationship with God, reminiscent of the disciples' journey to meet the risen Christ. Challenges, such as obstacles and platforms, mirror the spiritual battles and growth stages, demonstrating that perseverance and faith lead to triumph with Jesus and the Holy Spirit's guidance. The joystick and buttons highlight human agency and free will in responding to Christ's call. The power up and the symbol of the Cross suggest that, though challenges may make us feel uncertain or chance-driven, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and Christ's promise guide us toward victory.


The goal (depicted as the "castle" or ultimate destination) is Galilee- a place of encounter, rejoicing, spiritual rejuvenation, recommissioning, and renewed purpose.


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