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CFC Singles for Christ (SFC) is one of the family ministries of Couples for Christ (CFC). It was founded to cater to the needs of single men and women from 21 to 40 years of age. “Single” refers to anyone within that age group who is free from any legal impediments to marriage. The pastoral care offered by the ministry, though, is not limited to those who are called for marriage, but includes as well those who may be considering either single blessedness or religious vocation as a state of life.

This year, we are celebrating SFC’s 30th International Conference (ICON), entitled, “BREAKTHROUGH”. Anchored on the verse from Mark 2:10-11 NABRE, " “But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on earth," he said to the paralytic, "I say to you, rise, pick up your mat, and go home." "


Pastoral formation

The Singles for Christ Pastoral Formation is the ministry’s deliberate and structured effort to provide its members with the following opportunities: to deepen knowledge and understanding of our Catholic faith’s basic truths, translate Catholic faith’s basic truths into the single person’s lifestyle, utilize the single person’s lifestyle to witness and evangelize society, and  provide support to the global SFC community so that each chapter will have life giving and nourishing worship life through empowered and equipped music ministries.

mission support

Mission Support is a program of SFC that utilizes technology and the skills of the SFC Members to help further the ministry’s efforts of evangelization. This program focuses on three main functions, namely: SFC Communications, SFC Transitions, and One Global Data. The program aims to act as a support to the ministry, providing its needs, and enabling it to be more effective in the mission.


SFC Corporate is a program that continues CFC-SFC's mission of evangelization to the singles in campuses, corporate, and government institutions. True to Jesus’ commission to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…” (Mt. 28:19), true to our vision, “Every single man and woman all over the world experiencing Christ,” and true to our covenant, “I will work toward the evangelization and transformation of my work place…”, SFC continually responds to the call of mission as it goes into the campuses, offices, and institutions to continue the work of evangelization. SFC goes to where the singles are.


SFC Missions is a program that aims to promote mission opportunities to the entire ministry, ensure well-equipped and well-prepared mission teams and missionaries, provide a clear process of requesting and sending of mission teams in the different areas, and properly monitor and document the mission activities within the ministry.


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©2023 by Mission Support for CFC SFC

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